December 14, 2023 | Montreal, QC and San Francisco, CA

Coveo Enterprise Customers See Impressive Results from Generative Answering – Now Generally Available

Powered by the Coveo Platform and LLMs, Coveo Relevance Generative Answering will be generally available starting December 15th for multiple use cases in Commerce, Website, Self-service, Agent Support and Workplace.

Coveo (TSX:CVO), a leading provider of enterprise AI platforms that enable individualized, connected, and trusted digital experiences at scale with semantic search, AI recommendations, and GenAI answering, today announced that Coveo Relevance Generative Answering™ will be generally available starting December 15th, after several months of Beta testing with several enterprises. The company continues to add to its roster of customers signing order forms for Coveo's enterprise-ready Relevance Generative Answering™, with large enterprises like SAP Concur.

Earlier this year, Coveo launched the Relevance Generative Answering Design Partner Program working with customers, including Informatica, Synopsys, VMware, Xero, and Zoom Communications. The early results are significant, driving additional business value for our early adopters:

  • Xero has seen the average customer search time decrease approximately 40% and search sessions requiring additional CX support decreased by more than 20% with the use of relevance-augmented generative answers in Xero Central.
  • Coveo has found that across its own customer self-service experience, its self-service success rate improved by 43% for visits using GenAI.
  • A large tech customer found that generated answers allowed end-users to save nearly 10 minutes searching for an answer.
  • Coveo analysis found that self-service success improvements from Coveo Relevance Generative Answering could lead to a reduction of up to 25% in the overall cost-to-serve.

“We are in a new era, where technology is not only about meeting expectations; it's setting the stage for the future of digital interaction,” said Laurent Simoneau, President, CTO and Founder at Coveo. “We’ve been working with forward-thinking global enterprises on their AI strategy for more than a decade. It's exciting to be a part of the quantum leap generative answering has created and to witness the exponential business value our customers are already achieving with our platform. As more enterprises roll out generative answering across commerce, service, workplace, and website applications, we’re looking forward to driving business value and impacting the bottom-line for our customers.”

Meet Coveo Relevance Generative Answering


Deployed in as little as 90 minutes on top of the Coveo AI Search Platform, Coveo Relevance Generative Answering effortlessly generates answers to complex user queries within digital experiences by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) on top of the leading unified indexing and relevance functionality of Coveo's platform. An enterprise-ready solution, Coveo Relevance Generative Answering is content-agnostic, scalable, secure, traceable, and can provide accurate and relevant answering, and composite abstracts from multiple internal and external sources of content – meaning it is not limited to the content or knowledge base within existing systems. Coveo Relevance Generative Answering is an addition to the suite of Coveo AI models and can be injected to improve any touchpoint across the customer or employee digital journey. Relevance Generative Answering can be used across multiple interfaces from standalone search pages, in-product experiences, self-service portals and communities, service management consoles and more.

Interested in learning more about Coveo’s enterprise-ready generative answering capability? Learn more and request a demo or read more about it on the Coveo blog.

About Coveo

Coveo powers the digital experiences of the world’s most innovative brands serving millions of people and billions of interactions across every digital experience. After a decade of enriching our market-leading platform with forward-thinking global enterprises, we know what it takes to gain a trusted AI-experience advantage.

We strongly believe that the future is business-to-person, that experience is today’s competitive front line, a make or break for every business.

For enterprises to achieve this AI-experience advantage at scale, it is imperative to have an Enterprise Spinal and composable ability to deliver AI semantic search and generative experiences at each customer and employee interaction.

Our single SaaS platform and robust suite of AI & GenAI models are designed to transform the total experience from CX to EX across websites, ecommerce, service, and workplace. Powering individualized, trusted, and connected experiences across every interaction to delight customers and augment employees, and drive superior business outcomes. Our platform is certified ISO 27001, HIPAA compliant, SOC2 compliant, and 99.999% SLA resilient. We are a Salesforce Summit ISV Partner, an SAPⓇ Endorsed App, and an Adobe Gold Partner.

Coveo is a trademark of Coveo Solutions, Inc.

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