Coveo Platform™ for Retailers

Drive profitable ecommerce growth

Boost conversions on your digital storefront and increase your customer lifetime value by providing personalized shopping experiences—profitably.

Retail Industry
Leading retailers who provide winning digital experiences with Coveo

Balance personalization with your desired business objectives


Balance personalization with your desired business objectives

Delivering great shopper personalization is now an ecommerce imperative. Gartner predicts a 15% profit boost for those who successfully use personalization in ecommerce.

Shoppers expect entertaining and inspiring online experiences tailored to their unique needs. Retailers that fail at it, risk losing them to their competitors.

On the flip side, personalization itself can cost you money on every shopper, if not done right.

As leading experts in applied AI, Coveo empowers retailers like you with smart personalization strategies that delight shoppers and profit optimization capabilities that delight the business.

  • Drive more conversions
    Remove friction from the shopper buying process.Help your shopper find relevant products, and lead them to confident checkouts with AI-powered search, recommendations, and content personalization in real-time.
  • Increase average order value
    Inspire them to add more to each cart by using proven upsells and relevant cross-sells. Serve up complementary product offers, replenishment prompts, or tailored content personalized to each audience.
  • Enhance gross margins
    Drive higher margins by automatically boosting the placement of products that earn you the most money.
  • Increase customer lifetime value
    Identify and retain the most valued customers and optimize customer lifetime margin throughout the journey.
Smart Personalization

AI-powered personalization for individuals, not personas

Smart Personalization

AI-powered personalization for individuals, not personas

Studies show that 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience. And 54% would pay more to find what they are looking for in just a few clicks.

Coveo helps retailers deliver personalized digital experiences for people, not personas. This means you can go from guessing what would work based on what your customers generally want; to precisely knowing what each shopper needs —and serving that need at any specific moment.

Retail Industry

Intent-driven personalization

Deliver relevant search, recommendations, and content even for first-time, anonymous visitors based on their real-time online behavior.

Intuitive machine learning models

Tailor product and query suggestions, search results ranking, and relevant recommendations.

Tailored site content

Create custom journeys that showcase relevant products based on customer preferences and needs to help them buy more.

Conversion Optimization

How Coveo optimizes your business results

Conversion Optimization

How Coveo optimizes your business results

Gartner states that companies who incorporate AI into their ecommerce platform will improve customer conversion rates by up to 30%.

Coveo helps retailers balance personalization with what makes good business sense. Our powerful AI can factor in the parameters you choose to drive your ecommerce profitability.

For instance, by adding margins and return data, you can optimize the complex trade-off between products that are most likely to be bought and products with high margins and low returns. You can also use customer data to predict what will retain your most valued customer and serve attractive offers to increase their lifetime value.

Retail Industry


Supply chain data

Use real-time inventory availability and store proximity to show only in-stock merchandise at the location nearest them and minimize shipping costs.

Financial data

Use pricing, product margins, rebate incentives, and advertising to surface the most profitable product SKUs ahead of other

Post-purchase data

Use return rates and product cost-to-serve data to de-emphasize products that lose money.

Business Optimization

Liberate your merchandisers to ply their craft

Business Optimization

Liberate your merchandisers to ply their craft

Coveo frees your merchandisers from tasks that drag down your enterprise. Instead of perpetually tweaking rules to improve product discovery, they’re empowered to spend their energy and creativity developing and testing new strategic ideas that help scale your business.

Our Merchandising Hub enables merchandisers to conduct powerful tests to identify and fill customer experience gaps easily.

Retail Industry

Create timely prompts

Recommend shoppers to replenish products with perfectly timed messages onsite and via email, securing that all-important repeat purchase.

Optimize relevance

Test different iterations of recommendations, product badging or tailored offers and learn what works best.

Personalize in real-time

Offer 1:1, integrated recommendations and search experiences using in-session context and behavior to understand shoppers’ intent.

Campaign Optimization

Use your digital retail media to drive conversions

Campaign Optimization

Use your digital retail media to drive conversions

Shifting co-op dollars to digital channels is imperative for most retailers. But the challenge is aligning featured products with relevant organic product results once shoppers land on your site.

Coveo search & recommendations drive relevant retail media adverts. Our AI can feed retail media advertising engines, like Crealytics, to increase conversions.

Retail Industry

AI-powered retail media

By integrating your retail media with a personalization engine, ad results are always highly relevant to shoppers, converting more often and yielding better results for advertisers.

Relevant product ranking

Use the Coveo platform to ingest advertising commitments for each SKU and include that data to rank products.

Optimized margin per visit

You decide how much advertising impacts product rankings. We can help optimize the margin per visit to your website based on the combination of product and advertising profits you determine.

How Coveo works for retailers

Getting started with profitable personalization is easy with Coveo

  • Checkmark
    Get a free assessment
    In just 30 minutes, our experts will identify and walk you through some of the ecommerce shopping gaps. Then, they’ll give you a wealth of “quick win” recommendations you can start using immediately. A $2,000 value – free!
  • Checkmark
    Stress-free deployment
    Things get done in hours instead of days or weeks. Our Professional Services, Customer Onboarding, Customer Success, and Business Development teams work with you throughout the process. This helps ensure you realize your expectations.
  • Checkmark
    Machine learning starts from Day 1!
    Coveo’s machine learning automatically begins analyzing customer data to tailor the content. You can also take a more hands-on approach and tune individual models yourself. Either way, understanding your customer intent has never been easier.

How Coveo works for retailers

Coveo integrates with any ecommerce platform

  • Coveo for Salesforce Commerce Cloud
    With Coveo powering your Salesforce storefront, you can: Tailor product recommendations. Rank search results intelligently. Personalize content to individuals.
  • Coveo for SAP Commerce Cloud
    Coveo’s enterprise-class AI complements SAP Customer Experience and helps you get the most out of your SAP Commerce Cloud or SAP Hybris solution.
  • Coveo for Commerce
    Intuitive ecommerce site search, relevant product recommendations,​ and personalized shopping experience throughout the shopper journey, through headless API calls.
Caleres Differentiates on Experience with AI-Automated Results Personalization

Coveo is a very strategic part of [our re-platforming], not just an add-on or just any other vendor. It’s really central to how we’re powering product detail page recommendations, how we’re powering the sort and rank position, and how the filters and facets work.

Dan Cornwell

Director of Ecommerce & Digital Experience, Caleres

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