Banking expert reveals 4 Financial Service trends that could make – or break – your customer relationships in 2023

Even if you’ve been in business for years, you can’t keep tabs on every subtle trend in the entire Financial Services industry

The thing is… being “out of the loop” like this will lose you a ton of customers. Why? Because these trends show that customers are increasingly taking a digital-first approach to their finances – and most financial institutions aren’t.

That’s why Jim Marous’s insights will be so crucial for you. Instead of hiring an expensive, time-wasting team of consultants and analysts, you can invest just 30 minutes to learn how to meet your customers where they really are – even if you’re worried that your institution has fallen behind digitally.

  • Trend 1: Your customers are more willing to share data than you think... we'll share how you can turn your data into customer engagement
  • Trend 2: Customers reward simplicity... see why your humble search box is the key to creating lifetime customer loyalty
  • Trend 3: The value banks provide is waning... see how you can become the main institution customers build their lives around
  • Trend 4: Digital is now the hub of customers financial lives... see how you can build trust in this critical set of channels
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