4 Strategies to Defeat Obstacles and Improve Search

How to improve the search relevance of your website?

How to improve the search relevance of your website?

  • Don’t build search from scratch. Look for an enterprise search solution that simplifies search management, while empowering content creators, and UX designers.
  • Unify your content in a single index. Find a system that lets you unify your knowledge base, so searchers can easily find the information they need.
  • Embrace AI and automation efficiencies. Many organizations have AI capabilities within their search technologies just waiting to be turned on. Platforms like Coveo offer off-the-shelf AI models tuned for customer-specific needs.
  • Detect user intent by understanding their journey. Users don’t always know the best way to search. Use a system that understands the users’ query and provides them with guidance — no matter what they’re looking for.

Ready to deliver a relevant search experience for your employees and customers?

Get the free report with 4 strategies to overcome enterprise search challenges!

4 Strategies to overcome challenges in enterprise search and improve search relevance - Free report by Coveo
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