On-demand webinar

How Generative AI Enhances the Digital Employee Experience

See how Coveo Relevance Generative Answering overhauls KM by seamlessly integrating with major workplace platforms.

Watch this insightful webinar showcasing how Coveo's groundbreaking Relevance Generative Answering technology uses GenAI to transform digital employee experiences.

The webinar covers:

  • The demand for generative AI in today's workplaces and its benefits
  • Four powerful use cases for implementing GenAI across the enterprise
  • Best practices for strategically deploying GenAI-powered employee experiences
On-demand webinar

How Generative AI Enhances the Digital Employee Experience

See how Coveo Relevance Generative Answering overhauls KM by seamlessly integrating with major workplace platforms.

Watch this insightful webinar showcasing how Coveo's groundbreaking Relevance Generative Answering technology uses GenAI to transform digital employee experiences.

The webinar covers:

  • The demand for generative AI in today's workplaces and its benefits
  • Four powerful use cases for implementing GenAI across the enterprise
  • Best practices for strategically deploying GenAI-powered employee experiences
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Patricia Petit Liang
Platform Marketing
Simon Hassoun
Manager, Employee Systems Coveo

Make every experience relevant with Coveo

Generative AI and the Future of Digital Employee Experience


Today's digital workplaces move fast. Employees are expected to achieve more with fewer resources in an increasingly hybrid work environment. Enhancing the employee experience with powerful technologies like generative AI is crucial for quickly onboarding new talent, upskilling existing team members, and boosting overall productivity.


But while 86% of employees want to use generative AI at work, many report their employers are slow to implement AI-powered solutions. That's a huge obstacle, especially when you consider that GenAI can improve efficiency by 30% according to Gartner.


The future of AI in the workplace 

In this insightful webinar, Coveo showcases how our cutting-edge Relevance Generative Answering technology uses GenAI to transform digital employee experiences across four exciting use cases. You'll see real examples of how seamlessly integrating generative AI into workplace platforms like ServiceNow, Confluence, and Office 365 unlocks new levels of knowledge accessibility and proficiency.


Coveo's Relevance Generative Answering

In this webinar, Simon Hassoun, Manager, Employee Systems at Coveo, introduces our Relevance Generative Answering technology. This innovative feature represents our commitment to workplace innovation and enhancing enterprise search.


Relevance Generative Answering is designed to generate accurate responses to complex queries in natural language. It does this while respecting user permissions, maintaining updated content, preventing hallucinations, and grounding answers in relevant and secure information sources.


Coveo Relevance Generative Answering key features 
We provide tangible examples of how Coveo's GenAI seamlessly ingests and consolidates unstructured data from formats like PDFs, PowerPoints, Google Docs, Confluence pages, and more. Our system uses this information to serve up grammatically-sound, concise answers – all without requiring expensive data science teams or training custom language models.


Hassoun highlights key features like the ability to index content from multiple sources and applications, citations for verifiability of answers, and out-of-the box connectors and APIs. These work together to support enterprise-ready security and keep sensitive data protected.


Transforming Employee Experiences with Generative AI


Implementing Generative Answering across departments 

GenAI can be implemented across multiple departments to create a dynamic and intelligent digital workplace that supports employees. Patricia Petit Liang, Platform Product Marketing Manager at Coveo, reviews four powerful use cases that showcase how Coveo’s generative answering is transforming digital employee experiences across the enterprise. These include:


1. Transforming Intranets & Employee Portals

Generative answering elevates enterprise knowledge hubs, turning them into search centers of excellence by streamlining access to resources. This helps to effectively support onboarding, training, and knowledge management.


2. Powering Efficient Agent Consoles

GenAI enhances the service agent console by connecting data from ticketing systems and knowledge bases. This enables quicker, more effective support through personalized assistance, faster case resolutions, and increased satisfaction.


3. Enriching Self-Education Portals

GenAI enriches self-education portals and creates a more personalized learning experience by integrating with platforms like GitHub and YouTube. This empowers professional development and growth.


4. Optimizing In-Product Experiences

GenAI taps into cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud to offer real-time assistance and user-friendly interfaces that improve product usability and adoption.


Elevating Employee Experience Within Coveo


At Coveo, we don't just talk about elevating digital employee experiences – we live it every day as “customer zero”, testing our latest workplace innovations. In this presentation, Hassoun provides an inside look at how our internal team has transformed Coveo's employee systems using our own GenAI capabilities by:


Creating a Unified Search Center of Excellence


Coveo@Coveo leverages the Coveo platform to create a unified search environment for our employees. Employees can access diverse information from multiple sources in one personalized experience. It's powered by Coveo's unified indexing solution.


Coveo@Coveo Unified Search Environment 

Coveo@Coveo helps employees spend less time bouncing between apps to find relevant information. Now, when they search for information, the results are personalized based on their role, preferences, and the context of their query.


Enabling Seamless Self-Service Experiences


GenAI has been game-changing for enabling self-service experiences within Coveo's service portals like ServiceNow. Natural language queries help employees find tailored knowledge articles and support options, deflecting cases before they're opened. GenAI surfaces the right information in seconds, so employees can answer questions they previously had to wait days for support on.


Supporting an Intelligent, Ever-Evolving Workplace


You'll get a sneak peek at Coveo's vision for the future digital workplace – a fully integrated, personalized hub for accessing tasks, tools, and tailored information with features like:
  • Dynamic homepages surfacing relevant resources
  • Robust people search with rich employee profiles
  • Customizable content portals for specific teams/functions
  • And of course, GenAI woven throughout for intelligent knowledge discovery

Coveo's own workplace keeps evolving alongside our award-winning AI solutions to foster unmatched employee productivity.


Best Practices for Implementing Generative AI Employee Experiences


Throughout the webinar, our experts share valuable insights and lessons learned from implementing generative AI across Coveo's own employee experience initiatives. Here are some of the key best practices highlighted:


Start with Identifying Knowledge Gaps: Coveo's GenAI pulls from existing knowledge sources, but if the asset or information isn't there, it likely means it needs to be created. Closely monitoring unanswered queries allows filling those content gaps proactively.


Prioritize Personalization and Context: A core advantage of genAI is its ability to surface personalized, contextualized information based on an employee's role, preferences, and the specifics of their query. Make the most of GenAI's capabilities by mapping out those personalization parameters.


Leverage Existing Integrated Systems: For efficient implementation, tap into systems and data sources you've already integrated, whether it's ServiceNow for support, Confluence for documentation, or tools like GitHub for developer knowledge bases. Coveo's platform consolidates this information.


Establish Proper Security Governance: Coveo's enterprise-grade GenAI respects existing security models and only surfaces permitted content to users. Reinforce this through robust governance policies matching your organization's requirements.


Enable Intelligent Content Curation: GenAI can intelligently curate and consolidate knowledge from disparate sources into concise, grammatically-sound answers. Embrace this as an opportunity to revamp stale, fragmented content repositories.


Promote Continuous Feedback Loops: Continuously gather feedback from employees on where GenAI experiences could be improved or expanded. Our own experience with a "customer zero" mentality illustrates how continuous feedback fuels iterative workplace innovation.


Digital Workplace Mockups for GenAI


The webinar concludes with an exciting preview of Coveo's vision for the future digital workplace. You'll get an inside look at mockups showcasing an integrated, AI-powered hub for seamlessly accessing personalized tasks, tools, and knowledge discovery across the enterprise. From dynamic homepages to customized team portals, see firsthand how Coveo plans to tightly weave its GenAI capabilities throughout the employee experience. Don't miss this glimpse into cutting-edge enterprise-grade GenAI.
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