On-Demand Webinar

4 Ways Coveo AI Revolutionizes Digital Workplace Experience

Discover how Coveo's AI-powered platform transforms employee efficiency and job satisfaction.

In this webinar, our experts demonstrate how the out-of-the-box Coveo Platform™ revolutionizes the digital workplace experience (DEX), driving employee efficiency and job satisfaction.

Watch now to discover:

  • How Coveo's AI-powered search and recommendations streamline information access
  • The impact of personalized experiences on employee productivity and engagement
  • Best practices for leveraging analytics to optimize your digital workplace
On-Demand Webinar

4 Ways Coveo AI Revolutionizes Digital Workplace Experience

Discover how Coveo's AI-powered platform transforms employee efficiency and job satisfaction.

In this webinar, our experts demonstrate how the out-of-the-box Coveo Platform™ revolutionizes the digital workplace experience (DEX), driving employee efficiency and job satisfaction.

Watch now to discover:

  • How Coveo's AI-powered search and recommendations streamline information access
  • The impact of personalized experiences on employee productivity and engagement
  • Best practices for leveraging analytics to optimize your digital workplace
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Patricia Petit Liang
Platform Marketing
Stan Schroter
Solution Engineer, Coveo

Make every experience relevant with Coveo

Streamlining Digital Employee Experience with AI-Powered Search


The modern workplace is largely digital. Employees expect seamless access to the information they need, when they need it. But reality often falls short of these expectations. Workers spend nearly half their day searching for the knowledge required to do their jobs effectively, leading to frustration, lost productivity, and even burnout.


In this webinar, employee experience luminaries Stan Schroter, Solution Engineer, and Patricia Petit Liang, Product Marketing Manager, walk viewers through a live demo of Coveo, demonstrating how AI-powered search streamlines the digital employee experience.


Liang kicks the session off by explaining how Coveo's purpose-built AI models provide a unified, intelligent search experience that connects workers with the right information at the right time.


Coveo's AI-powered search enables employees to quickly find the information they need across your entire knowledge base. By unifying content from multiple sources and applying intelligent techniques like personalization and recommendations, Coveo helps boost workplace efficiency, satisfaction, and productivity.


Workplace Experience Trends and Employee Expectations


In recent years, AI has become increasingly popular in the workplace, with more organizations recognizing its potential to drive productivity and efficiency. Liang covers some recent stats, highlighting how AI is helping companies counter economic pressures like inflation and talent scarcity. Many business and technology decision-makers are actively seeking partners to implement AI solutions to help with growth and success.


As Liang notes, the digital workplace experience often falls short of employee expectations. Workers anticipate easy access to company knowledge from wherever they are. The reality is that many enterprises still contain siloed information spread across multiple systems, creating a fragmented employee experience.


The circuitous digital workplace experience journey


Employees spend nearly half of their day searching for the information they need to do their jobs effectively. This impacts productivity – and not in a good way. It also makes for a frustrating employee experience that adds to burnout which increases the likelihood of employee turnover.


AI has the potential to improve this frustrating experience by helping organizations live up to employee expectations for an easy to navigate and accessible digital workplace. By leveraging AI-powered solutions, companies can create a more unified, efficient, and personalized experience that empowers employees to do their best work.


4 Ways Coveo Helps Organizations Innovate Digital Workplace Experience


Schroter walks viewers through a comprehensive demo of Coveo's AI-powered platform, showcasing how it innovates DEX for organizations. Using client examples and mockups, viewers will see how Coveo transforms the employee experience with four innovative experiences, including:
  • Intranets and service portals – Coveo makes it easier for employees to find the information they need across their internal knowledge sources.
  • Unified enterprise knowledge – Coveo connects content across multiple systems and repositories, eliminating silos and making information more readily searchable (and, thus, accessible).
  • Companywide personalization – Coveo tailors recommendations and search results to each individual employee, providing results in the context of the user and the query.
  • Responsive analytics – Coveo's platform leverages insights from search to optimize the digital workplace experience.


Let's take a closer look at each of these four innovative experiences and how they contribute to a revolutionized digital workplace.


4 ways Coveo innovates digital workplace experience with AI


Experience #1: AI-Driven Intranets and Self-Service Portals


Coveo transforms intranets and service portals into powerful, AI-driven tools that equip employees with knowledge. The platform’s search capabilities effectively turn your intranet or portal into a “Google-like search tool within the enterprise, making it easier for workers to find the information they need quickly and efficiently.”


Schroter showcases how Coveo’s intelligent search engine helps Bunnings, an Australian home improvement company, provide employees with smart query suggestions, popular searches, and content recommendations.


This functionality makes the search process more intuitive and streamlined. Again, the end goal here is to reduce the time employees spend hunting for information and connect them with individualized information quickly. Coveo-powered intranets and self-service portals are productivity boosters that increase job satisfaction by fostering a more connected, collaborative work environment.


Experience #2: Unifying Enterprise Knowledge Management


Coveo helps organizations break down information silos by unifying data and information across disparate and siloed systems. The platform connects and centralizes your content in one place, where it’s searchable and thus easier for employees to access.


The unified index can include content from all of your information sources including cloud platforms, on-premises databases, and even custom-built applications. It's a comprehensive approach to knowledge management that simplifies the process of connecting people with the right resources.


Schroter demonstrates how Coveo’s approach to normalizing data and applying metadata enables powerful search and filtering capabilities. Employees can quickly narrow down their search results using contextually relevant facets and filters, further streamlining the process of finding the right information.


Coveo facet and filtering capabilities demo


Experience #3: Delivering Personalized Search Results and Recommendations


By tailoring search results to the individual user and their query, Coveo ensures that employees quickly find the most relevant information for their specific needs. Schroter showcases how Coveo's platform adapts to different user profiles, displaying personalized recommendations based on factors such as job function, location, and search history.


For example, an HR professional might see content related to workplace policies and benefits, while a software engineer would receive recommendations for technical documentation and code repositories.


This level of personalization is made possible by Coveo's advanced machine learning algorithms, which continuously learn from user interactions and feedback to refine search results and recommendations over time.


Experience #4: Leveraging Insights with Responsive Analytics


Coveo's platform provides organizations with valuable insights to continuously optimize and improve enterprise search experiences. Use responsive analytics to make data-driven decisions and measure the impact of your investments.


The Coveo analytics dashboard, showcased in the webinar, offers a comprehensive view of search performance, content usage, and user behavior. This is powerful information that enables you to fine-tune your knowledge management approach by identifying trends, gaps, and opportunities. Understanding search metrics can also help you effectively allocate resources, prioritize content creation efforts, and create delightful workplace experience for all employees.


Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Coveo's experts as they share how Coveo's relevance platform supports strategies for a people-centric, AI-driven workplace. Gain valuable insights to help you drive business success in the age of AI.
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