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2023 Enterprise Search Emotional Footprint Report

<ul> <li><span class="turquoise-highlight"><strong>Compare Providers.</strong></span> See how customers rate 14 of the market’s top Enterprise Search providers - including Coveo, Algolia, Elastic and SearchUnify. </li> <li> <span class="turquoise-highlight"><strong>Evaluation Criteria.</strong></span> 5 key categories for evaluating vendors including service experience, strategy and innovation as well as product impact. </li> <li> <span class="turquoise-highlight"><strong>See Why Coveo Excels. </strong></span>Learn how customers feel about Coveo AI, our added value and their interactions with our team - rating us a leader in efficiency and effectiveness. </li> </ul>

For 17+ years, our customers have trusted us with their growth
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