• Information Technology
  • Full-time
  • Office-based
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Absolutely! This is a question women and under-represented groups ask themselves more often than the rest of the population. Don't underestimate yourself, we are not looking for someone perfect but for someone who is motivated, capable and who will thrive in this position. Allow us to discover you!

Coveo is a Quebec-based company, pioneer in AI-powered search and recommendations. Coveo uses AI technologies and intelligent search to personalize every digital experience for customers, partners, dealers, and employees. Coveo combines unified content, unified interactions behavioral data and machine learning to deliver relevant information and recommendations across every business interaction, making websites, e-commerce, contact centers and intranets efficient, effortless, content-rich, thus boosting conversion.

If it were easy, someone else would have done it. All of our colleagues at Coveo find the drive to continuously seek new challenges and test roads no one else has ever explored. This ethos has allowed us to become a world leader in an innovative industry and to create a collaborative, diverse and trusting place to work filled with amazingly talented and passionate people. We love a good challenge, and we never say no to an opportunity to learn and develop new cutting-edge skills. Discover our values here

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