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Case Study

5 min read

Fasken Applies AI for Online Presence Management

Nous, en chiffres

Les chiffres parlent. C’est pourquoi nous aimons les données.
Voici ce que disent les nôtres.

  • ~40 % consacrés à la R&D
  • 750+ employés
  • ↓59% click-rank search results page

Take a look inside

  • How Fasken leverages Coveo to meet the complex legal needs of individual site visitors, pulling from the varying expertise of more than 700 lawyers across the globe. (Page 3)

  • How Fasken brainstormed with Coveo and Sid Lee to creatively deliver a dynamic work portfolio of its lawyers for more brand awareness. (Page 6)

  • How Fasken uses Coveo’s out-of-the-box machine learning to centralize online channels and meet the needs of thousands of customers, hundreds of employees, and hundreds of lawyers — worldwide. (Page 7)