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9 septembre 2021 | Montréal, QC et Ville de Québec, QC

Coveo Releases New Training Portal, Developer Toolkits, and Low-code and Pro-code Tools

New tools help to enable creators - digital practitioners and developers - to overcome the unique challenges of building and maintaining relevant search technology

Coveo, a leader in relevance platforms that transform search, recommendations, and personalization within digital experiences, today at Relevance 360 announced a range of new tools and a new learning community to help digital practitioners and developers build relevant experiences across websites, apps, and platforms.

As every company becomes a software company, many of the people building that software -- developers -- have stepped off the sidelines to become key decision-makers within their organizations. It’s important that these creators have the tools they need to innovate quickly, whether they be advanced developers coding from scratch or citizen developers starting with low or no-code.

A platform designed to enable low or no-code application configuration in combination with professional pro-code development can help drive corporate innovation to deliver business solutions. Coveo’s approach to development enables technical professionals of all kinds to leverage Coveo’s platform for scale and security.

“We built our platform with the challenges of relevance in mind, offering low-code configurability alongside full code access that enables developers to extend and customize,” said Laurent Simoneau, Co-Founder, President and CTO at Coveo. “Our investments in developer education, documentation, and tooling ensure that every brand, regardless of technical skill, complexity, or scale, can deliver relevance with every digital interaction.”

Coveo’s new developer experience includes:

  • A modern headless model: The Coveo model is made up of hosted, drag-and-drop search pages and a high-performance headless toolkit. The model is fully user interface framework agnostic, so developers can use the UI of their choice. And for developers who don’t need full control over the appearance of their search page, there’s Coveo Atomic, a default pre-built component library that’s easy to customize.
  • Command line interface (CLI): The Coveo CLI enables developers to push configuration changes from sandbox to production, allowing developers to manage Coveo with code and gain access to tools to help index content, design a UI, and troubleshoot deployments.
  • Easy to use Push APIs: Coveo Push API SDKs will now be available in three mainstream languages: Python, Java, and NodeJS. New native connectors, including Adobe and Slack, have also been added.
  • The Level Up training portal: Developers wanting to learn how to solve business problems using the Coveo Platform and become a Coveo expert can join Coveo’s new Level Up Platform, a modern and engaging online learning environment where developers can upskill and earn certifications through a personalized and gamified experience. Developers have the flexibility to learn at their own pace, join live events or get hands-on experience with an expert.

Coveo’s digital practitioner experience continues to include:

  • A library of connectors for crawling and indexing content: make the most of 55+ pre-built connectors to unify your content, no matter where it lives.
  • One of the largest families of pre-packaged machine learning models for search, including query suggestion, automatic re-ranking, dynamic faceting, question answering, recommendations, and case classification, alongside a powerful rules engine.
  • The ability to choose between a no-code, drag-and-drop UI (or a 100% customizable experience) to build a modern search UI.
  • Access to a suite of reporting tools to optimize your digital experiences with data, including keyword insights, advanced search analytics, content gap analysis, and A/B testing.

“Coveo’s robust network of customer support managers, line of business experts, solution architects, and more than 180 partners and System Integrators, means our customers have support throughout their entire journey with us,” said Laurent Simoneau. “We believe our customers can be successful and realize true business value through this partnership.”

For more information, visit our developer page. Sign up for a 30-day free trial of Coveo.

À propos de la semaine Relevance 360

La semaine Coveo Relevance 360 est un événement virtuel interactif où vous retrouverez les leaders, stratégies et technologies de l’IA qui vous permettront de bâtir des expériences réussies.  Avec 20 séances, 4 segments spécialisés et un Hackathon de 48 heures répartis sur 3 jours chargés, vous y découvrirez toutes les manières de mettre à profit l’IA, afin de parfaire les interactions individuelles et les parcours numériques complexes. Il s’agit de l’événement le plus recherché par les leaders en DX, pour qui une expérience harmonieuse est primordiale sur les sites Web, les sites de commerce électronique, dans le service à la clientèle ou dans le milieu de travail.

La semaine Relevance 360 de Coveo aura lieu les 8, 9 et 10 septembre 2021. Inscrivez-vous ici.

À propos de Coveo

La pertinence est ce qui crée les gagnants des expériences numériques. Coveo est la principale plateforme de pertinence basée sur le cloud. Coveo est la couche d'intelligence qui injecte de la pertinence dans les expériences numériques, avec des solutions d'IA appliquées allant de la recherche intelligente à des solutions pour le commerce électronique, le service, et le lieu de travail.

Coveo est un leader de confiance avec une expérience de classe mondiale. Notre IA alimente des interactions pertinentes pour des centaines des marques les plus innovantes au monde, notamment Tableau, Dell, Palo Alto Networks, Xero et Motorola Solutions. Coveo est soutenue par un réseau de partenaires accrédités au niveau mondial, d'intégrateurs et d'alliances, dont Salesforce, ServiceNow, Sitecore, Accenture, Deloitte, et Ernst & Young.

Restez à l’affut des dernières nouvelles et du contenu de Coveo en vous abonnant au Blog Coveo, et en suivant Coveo sur LinkedIn, Twitter, et YouTube.

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