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Report | 2023 Enterprise Search Data Quadrant from SoftwareReviews

See the Best in Enterprise Search, Rated by Real Customers

Info-Tech’s Data Quadrant Reports offer a detailed analysis of the most popular Enterprise Search solutions on the market. Consult this buyer’s guide to find out which solution is right for you!

SoftwareReviews is the most in-depth source of buyer data and insights for the enterprise software market.

In the Enterprise Search Data Quadrant, the top enterprise search solutions were evaluated across four categories: Net Emotional Footprint, Vendor Capabilities, Product Features, and Likeliness to Recommend.

This buyer’s guide is designed to help business leaders make informed decisions about their software investments based entirely on valuable feedback from real end users of each technology.

Discover why Coveo is a 2x Leader in enterprise search:

  • Find out where Coveo stacks up against the rest of the competition (+ why 91% of customers are likely to recommend it)
  • Learn which of the 12 capabilities Coveo excels at (above all other solutions!)
  • Gain helpful insights from detailed feature comparisons of the market’s best enterprise search engines

Your tech stack is missing one key feature: AI-powered search! This independent report will help you determine which search solution is the best fit for your enterprise.

Coveo Enterprise Search is Trusted By:

Find Out What Makes Coveo a Leader in Enterprise Search