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Product Updates Q3-Q4 2022

New in Coveo

Check out our latest enhancements, including two quick ways to migrate configurations from Sandbox to live environments, our easy to use low code search page builder and merchandise product badging for ecommerce shops.

Increased relevance with enterprise level search software

Explore the latest innovations on our platform

Explore the latest innovations on our platform

Dive deeper into what Coveo can do. See how all the latest features and enhancements connect your customers and employees to great, relevant content at every stage of their journey.

Product Listing Page Manager

In the Merchandising Hub, you can now easily harness the power of Coveo AI as well as your specific merchandising requirements to tailor and curate product listing pages and optimize your performance..

Merchandise Product Badging

Deploying badging strategies across your site within your Coveo merchandising hub has never been easier. With simplified campaign controls and integrated A/B testing watch revenue per visit climb

Agent Experience

Agent Experience

Quantic Insight Panel
Build and customize the Coveo Insight Panel through our new drag-and-drop builder. Currently available through early access only. Stay tuned for GA in Q1 of 2023.

Coveo Relevance Cloud™

Migrating Sandbox Configurations (Low code / Pro code)

Migrating your site configurations has never been easier. Coveo now provides two quick ways to migrate configurations from Sandbox to live environments. Option 1: Simplified two-click manual migration within the sandbox. Option 2: Automated migration using the resource snapshot feature with Coveo CLI.

Snowflake Analytics Integration

This new integration removes the manual work of exporting data and provides real time access to Coveo Analytics, to help build better content and customer journeys.

Check out our past product updates

  • Relevance360°
    Gain the AI-Experience Advantage and hear from leading Tech Leaders on how AI shapes business.
  • New in Coveo Webinars
    See ‘art of the possible’ by line of business including Commerce, Service, Workplace, and Website.

More to explore

  • Coveo LevelUp
    Upskill your AI Search & Generative Answering skills through self-paced courses, live events, and expert-led hands-on sessions.
  • Coveo Docs

    Explore our features in detail and witness Generative Answering dynamically respond to your queries in real time.

  • Coveo Connect

    Join our worldwide customer community to explore topics, network with leaders, and engage in discussions.