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CTO Laurent Simoneau Shows Key Features Necessary to Maximize Profits

Coveo Relevance Cloud: The Road We’ve Traveled and the Way Ahead.
Coveo co-founder and CTO Laurent Simoneau and his team delve into new features and provide demos on how The Coveo Relevance Cloud™ is enabling relevant interactions at every step of the customer journey - creating an end-to-end customer experience in ecommerce, self-service, and agent-assisted support.

You will:

- Get a sneak peek of our new merchandising hub, giving merchandisers hands-on control of digital product placement throughout the customer search journey.
- Preview our new Slack connector, enabling enterprises to index and search conversational content developed in the popular instant messaging system.
- Learn how AI in machine learning creates vectors at the index level using behavioral data that is captured at the experience level.
- See a new generation of out-of-the-box, commerce-specific dashboards that are crucial to tracking profitability.