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On-demand webinar

Maximizing Self-Service Success and Case Deflection with Coveo

Deliver value across the customer service journey with Coveo’s relevance-driven search experience

In this webinar, Coveos' Alex Dassa, Senior Director of Business Value, and Patrick Martin, Chief Customer Officer, discuss how Coveo's AI-powered search and relevance platform help optimize the customer service approach.

Watch the webinar to learn:

  • Strategies for improving self-service success and case deflection rates
  • How to empower agents with unified search and AI-driven recommendations
  • The impact of in-product experiences (IPX) on reducing support costs
  • Critical success factors for effective knowledge management
On-demand webinar

Maximizing Self-Service Success and Case Deflection with Coveo

Deliver value across the customer service journey with Coveo’s relevance-driven search experience

In this webinar, Coveos' Alex Dassa, Senior Director of Business Value, and Patrick Martin, Chief Customer Officer, discuss how Coveo's AI-powered search and relevance platform help optimize the customer service approach.

Watch the webinar to learn:

  • Strategies for improving self-service success and case deflection rates
  • How to empower agents with unified search and AI-driven recommendations
  • The impact of in-product experiences (IPX) on reducing support costs
  • Critical success factors for effective knowledge management
Register to watch the video


Alex Dassa
VP, Business Value and Global Enablement, Coveo
Patrick Martin
Vice Président Exécutif, Expérience Client

The Customer Journey: Optimizing Experiences with Coveo

Alex Dassa, Senior Director of Coveo's Business Value team, kicks off the webinar by explaining how Coveo delivers value across the entire customer journey.


From self-service to assisted support, Coveo empowers organizations to drive self-service success by:
  • Connecting customers to relevant, personalized content to answer their questions quickly.
  • Reducing case volume through effective case deflection strategies, both implicitly and explicitly.
  • Boosting agent efficiency by offering contextual information and reducing time spent searching for answers.
  • Equipping field workers with the knowledge to provide efficient service and suggest complementary products.
  • Helping customers avoid issues by delivering proactive, contextual support within the product experience (IPX).


Solving customer needs as early in the journey as possible reduces costs and empowers customers. It’s a “shift-left approach” to service that allows companies to prevent value erosion by lowering cost-to-serve metrics. The shift left model gives customers the tools and information needed to resolve issues on their own. It also reduces the strain on agents when customers do engage.


The value erosion curve illustrating the “shift left model” of customer service


Coveo uses unified search and AI capabilities to streamline assisted support interactions, so agents can access relevant knowledge articles, past case resolutions, and customer insights. This allows agents to resolve issues faster and improve first contact resolution rates.


Boosting Self-Service Success and Case Deflection Rates


Coveo AI-powered search provides personalized content recommendations based on each customer's specific needs. The system analyzes customer behavior and, using this information, can predict intent. It’s a proactive approach to search that offers meaningful solutions to customers that helps avoid unnecessary case creation through implicit and explicit case deflection.


Implicit case deflection occurs when customers find answers on the self-service portal without ever intending to submit a case. Explicit case deflection occurs when a customer is on the case creation page but finds a satisfactory answer through the recommended content, avoiding the need to submit the case.


Here are some benefits to focusing on self-serve effectiveness:


Significant cost savings


The impact of effective self-service and case deflection can be substantial. For example, Tableau, a Coveo customer, achieved $18 million in annual cost savings by improving their case deflection rates.


Optimized knowledge asset


Coveo clients can leverage analytics and insights from search to identify content gaps and continuously optimize knowledge assets. This keeps your information current and available to customers and agents who have continuous access to relevant information in real time.


Improved customer service experience


Effective self-service provides a better overall customer experience. It's empowering since customers can solve issues and find answers without reaching out to support or creating a new case. By finding answers quickly and on their own, customers can resolve their issues quickly. This reduces customer effort and frustration, which improves satisfaction and loyalty.


Empowering Agents with Assisted Support Features


Coveo goes beyond enhancing self-service for customers. It empowers support agents to provide more efficient and effective assisted support. One of the main ways Coveo does this is by providing a unified view of all relevant content, including knowledge articles, past case resolutions, and customer insights. This eliminates the need for agents to search through multiple systems and repositories, saving valuable time and effort.


Enhancing assisted support offers plenty of benefits including:


Reduced average handle time


Coveo gives people the right tools so they can get the job done more quickly. Unified search that uses AI and ML models gives agents instant access to relevant information using algorithms that analyze the context of each customer interaction. It then proactively recommends the most relevant content to the specific agent.


Increased first contact resolution rates


Resolving issues more effectively improves first contact resolution rates. This is a signal that assisted support is improving service efficiency.


Improved agent and customer satisfaction


Finding information fast reduces agent and customer frustration. This has a couple of positive implications. First, it allows agents to focus on high-value tasks which increases job satisfaction (and retention). It also drives better customer satisfaction since getting fast, accurate, and personalized support is an all-around good experience for customers.



Optimized knowledge base


Coveo helps identify knowledge gaps which improves content creation because it can enable companies to identify where assets are needed. By analyzing agent behavior and feedback with Coveo analytics, organizations can discover areas where there are knowledge gaps, update outdated assets, and improve the overall service experience. An optimized knowledge base means that both agents and customers have access to the up-to-date and comprehensive information they need.


Leveraging In-Product Experiences for Proactive Support


Coveo's In-Product Experiences (IPX) feature enables proactive support by providing contextual help directly within the product or application. IPX integrates Coveo's search and recommendation capabilities into the user interface so organizations can deliver relevant content and guide users in real-time.


IPX allows companies to:
  • Anticipate user needs and provide proactive support
  • Reduce time spent navigating to separate support channels
  • Reduce friction and improve the overall user experience


Impact of IPX on case deflection, case resolution time, and Cost to Service


The impact of leveraging IPX can be significant. Coveo client Xero drove a 37% reduction in their cost to serve and also achieved a 20-point increase in their net promoter score.


Another client, OSIsoft reduced their case resolution time by 56%. And, as mentioned in the webinar, Tableau, a Coveo customer, achieved $18 million in annual cost savings by improving their case deflection rates.


Driving Continuous Improvement Through Knowledge Management


Effective knowledge management is foundational to delivering exceptional service experiences across all support channels. When it comes to maximizing Coveo’s value in pursuit of more effective knowledge management, there are several critical success factors to consider including:
  • Have a robust content strategy
  • Promote user adoption
  • Leverage analytics to inform decision-making
  • Prioritize creating high-quality, relevant content
  • Make all content easily accessible to both customers and agents
  • Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement


Regularly monitoring performance metrics, gathering user feedback, and iterating based on insights, allows companies to optimize knowledge management practices and drive better outcomes.


This webinar speaks to how Coveo can enhance satisfaction and optimize support interactions across the customer journey. Register now and learn how relevance-driven service and support can help you maximize your business value.
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