Generative AI isn’t merely a trend; it’s a game-changer. With the rise of large language models (LLMs), businesses are jumping on board, not wanting to fall behind in the fast-paced digital race. We’re now in an era where each journey must be unique, tailored just for you, and experiences flow cohesively based on what you’re looking for – whether you’re a major corporation or just chilling in your cozy corner.

When integrating Generative Answering into your digital strategy, it’s key to remember that it’s more than an add-on. Rather, you should think about it  like weaving a seamless thread throughout the fabric of your digital experience. The real magic happens when you blend LLMs with well-seasoned AI search and relevance capabilities. This fusion is what makes generative experiences trustworthy for both businesses and their customers. 

Imagine the sweet spot where semantic search, AI recommendations, generative answering and unified personalization all come together, creating this entirely new, modern digital experience paradigm. But due to challenges with security and accuracy, getting there requires a little extra help.

Powered by the Coveo AI platform and LLMs Coveo’s Relevance Generative Answering capability is now generally available. Relevance Generative Answering solves the key challenges of applying GPT within the enterprise. 

How does it work?

1. Coveo creates a secure index of all your data (knowledge, PDFs, HTML files, docs, you name it)
2. Your user searches this index for an answer
3. Coveo GenAI identifies relevant snippets in your documents to send a grounded prompt to the LLM
4. An accurate, tailored answer is generated. Factual, up-to-date – complete with citations

And because of Coveo’s composability, Generative Answering can be added into any of your digital channels, from self-service portals to commerce sites to in-product experiences or intranets, all from one platform. What’s more, the Coveo platform offers robust agnostic capabilities — meaning it can work within any system, internal or external. Rather than the traditional monolithic structure, you take advantage of a best-of-breed platform, without the tech stack lock-in.

Welcome to a new era where technology isn’t just meeting expectations; it’s setting the stage for the future of digital interaction.

Get Coveo Relevance Generative Answering Today!

Enterprise Tested. Trusted. Ready.
Coveo Relevance Generative Answering