Last week, Coveo had the opportunity to sponsor TSIA’s TSW Spring Conference, happening at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego. The event gathered thousands of leaders and decision makers over the course of 3 days, to discuss challenges, best practices and new trends in customer support & success.

As one of the top tier sponsors, Coveo had a booth on the expo floor, in addition to co-presenting a case study session with our customer, SAP Concur. Dawn Dutton, a Knowledge Team Manager at SAP Concur, discussed their customer experience transformation journey and their KCS® and Coveo integrations and implementations. We even had the second highest attended session for the second year in a row – it’s great to see this continuous engagement from the TSW audience.

Additionally, we had the chance to host members of our community (partners, customers and potential customers) on a VIP invite-only cruise around the San Diego Bay. This was definitely the highlight of our week! The setting was absolutely amazing and the weather treated us well. Support leader attendees got to enjoy a nice meal and network amongst their peers.


Our Key Takeaways from TSW Spring ‘19

We were so excited for the opportunity to network and learn from our customers and community on how they are approaching the challenges in customer support and success.  Here are our main takeaways:

#1Personalized outcome-based customer journeys are what companies should aim for. Providing personalized and relevant content and experiences are no longer optional. Customers today expect a lot from the digital experiences with their favorite brands, and it’s on the customer support and success leaders to meet those expectations.

#2  Your customers expect to be understood.  Customers know that companies have access to a lot of data, and expect them to use it to understand and anticipate their needs, know the value they are trying to get out of their services, and prove to them that they will deliver valuable outcomes.

Presenting at the Technology Services World conference#3Customer experiences need to be at the heart of a successful enterprise company. Customer experience is a key differentiator for many organizations. Your website and digital portals are not just a way to deflect cases coming into the contact center – they’re an engagement strategy to deliver the content and information that your customers need when they need it.

#4 Transforming your customer experience with relevance is a journey. We met with many customer support and success leaders to share our Coveo Relevance Maturity Model™ and it was clear that bringing relevant content and information makes a major impact on the customer service organization – but it’s not done overnight. We were able to help many conference attendees review their position on the CRMM and create an action plan to increase their relevance – and see real improvement in their key customer support and success outcomes.

Want to see where you rank on the Coveo Relevance Maturity Model? Download your copy.

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The Coveo Customer Service Relevance Maturity Model