Search Analytics

Know what works and why it converts

Unify your search and web analytics data to understand the intent behind people’s clicks and queries. 

A woman is looking into enterprise web and search analytics report.

See your search data in a whole new way


See your search data in a whole new way

The words that people use to search and their paths for content discovery can give you powerful insight into what they want. With Coveo, learn from queries, questions, and clicks, and their impact on corporate KPIs.

Optimize the experience and decide with data

A man is looking into enterprise site search metrics for user traffic and their search journey.

Keyword insights

Use keywords and queries to gain insight into your audience. Harness these indicators to understand intent and speak their language, so you can hone your content and increase conversions.

Advanced search metrics

Monitor click-through rate (CTR) and average click-rank (ACR) to ensure your search results are relevant in every interaction.

Zero-result searches identified

See the top searches that yield no results or no clicks. Use that insight to fill the gaps in your content strategy and deliver answers to your audience.

A/B testing insights

With dashboards built right into our A/B tests, you can monitor, tune, and take action all in one place.

See the big picture with omnichannel usage analytics

Powerful search analytics that helps you unearth insights and deliver the right answers to your users.

User journey tracking

Get fine-grained details on every action performed and the path taken by an individual user. Filter with advanced conditions and review matching user activity with the visit browser, all in real-time.

Ecommerce analytics dashboards

Identify top-performing products, attribute revenue from search, product listing pages, and recommendations, and quickly identify areas of improvement.

Customer service analytics dashboards

With AI-based analytics, evaluate the effectiveness of your case deflection, the success rate of your self-service content, and the proficiency of your agents.

Custom reports and dashboards

Build bespoke dashboards with the search and journey data that are meaningful to you. Start with a high-level overview of performance and drill-down to get the full story.

Get open data access and governed control

Coveo's search analytics helps connect business outcomes to investment

Personalized access management

Give each person in your company who’s responsible for digital experience the ability to make data-driven decisions based on the data that’s applicable to them with permission filters.

Event and cohort exports

Open access to raw usage analytics data (clicks, queries, and events) through CSV or the Analytics API, and port into your tool of choice for more granular analysis and data visualization.

Direct data warehouse access

Directly query the RELEVANCE CLOUD database using a Snowflake reader account to bring real-time accessibility to your search data and a single source of truth to customer interactions.

Streamlined tracking with Google Tag Manager

Automatically push queries, clicks, and custom events to Google Tag Manager (and from Google to Coveo) to streamline tracking and ensure consistency in reporting.

Leverage search analytics, get better results

  • Service & Support 
    ↑ 80%  average case deflection
  • Ecommerce
    ↑ 10% average order value
  • Workplace
    ↓ 30%  average content gap score
  • Websites
    ↑ 55%  search and visit success rate

Bring depth to your data with search analytics

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